Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yesterday morning I went into my physical therapy session feeling pretty good, and then I left feeling semi-well.

We sonogrammed my scaline muscle, which was (in theory) not supposed to affect my shoulder. (The last time we sonogrammed it, my shoulder flared up really bad.) Then we taped it up. An hour later, while I was at work, my shoulder started to feel funny... so I had to loosen the tape (with the help of a friend... can't reach where the tape starts). And then a couple hours later it started to burn again. I don't think I'm going to do the sonogram thing anymore... I think my body hates it.

Anyway, I was worn out by the end of the day... especially because I was apprehensive of what the next day (today) would bring.... because, to be honest, I'm scared of being in more pain again. The last time it flared up, it was just traumatic.

On another note, Destri sent me an email that made me chuckle. You'd never guess what her alarm clock sounds like in the morning.... hahahahahaha... Thanks, Des!!! :)

1 comment:

Destri Andorf said...

I didn't know that u already start updtaing your blog again!!!! hehehehehe :)

it's nice to be waken up by a lovely voice instead of those high pitch alarm sound!