Wednesday, February 14, 2007

stream of conciousness

It's been a while since I last wrote... I know, I have no real excuse for not writing. Since I last wrote anything.. hmmm.. let's see.. in late November, I slipped and fell.. resulting in shoulder issues since then. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride... 2.5 months of emotionally draining moments... and plenty of pain along the way. There was a time my physical therapist and I both thought I was making progress, and then suddenly everything took a bit of a nose dive... and I found myself in excruciating pain... had a few nights of absolute despair and tears... other nights found me extremely irritable... but most nights too tired to do much of anything. Several times I tried to stay positive, put things into perspective... but it's hard to patient and positive when pain rules how you get through the day... and you can only put things into perspective so many times before you get leary of finding new ways to see the cup half full. As of this week, I've been feeling better... happier about being in less pain... hoping for the best (that I'm finally on the road to recovery), yet at the same time, knowing that it could get worse... like last time.

Good thing... we took it easy at my last physical therapy session... and today I wasn't in more pain than normal.... not like how it's been the past few weeks. I'm still popping painkillers and icing the crap out of my shoulder (to the most enjoyable feeling of cold numbness).

Anyway, I'm not blogging today to complain. Just update. See... mass emails seem to be so impersonal... blogging is probably even more impersonal, but this is for my friends... so my goal is to be a little better about keeping this puppyupdated... as I'm not always the greatest at keeping in touch as of late... especially when I know that I'll have to repeat myself to more than one person... and with my shoulder/arm acting the way it's been, I can only bear to be on my computer (sitting in one position) for so much time before I need to reposition for comfort.

Other than that... life is good. Work has been extremely busy, and I'm loving it. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate because I have to retrieve the good old ice pack and reposition and all of the above mentioned stuff, but it's okay. I've got projects to work on, and it's great. :) My boss is absolutely wonderful. She's the greatest. I love working with her. The other folks in the region are great to work with as well. I love my company. :)

I think I'm going to visit my big brother in Pheonix this year. I'm pretty excited because I haven't seen him in forever!!! It'll be great fun. I wish I could afford to go while it was still cold here... I hate this dreadful, biting, cold weather. Anyway, this is going to be a good year. :)

I'm thinking about visiting Abi this year too... we'll see what my funds allow for...

Oh and my friend Dawn is getting married in April. :) She's so great! I'm so excited for her. :) She deserves wonderful, wonderful things.

Today's Valentines Day. It's such a cute holiday. I wonder... does love change people?

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