Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chinese Lunar New Years Day

Great day yesterday! Started out with trying to sleep in, didn't work out so well considering the shoulder wasn't having it... so I "slept in" til about 7:30 a.m. Meaning, I reluctantly crawled out of bed at that time. The next few hours of the day were spent trying to figure out what I wanted for breakfast and talking to my parents... browsed on the internet.. popped in a couple DVDs into the system... and after staring blankly at the television, fell asleep again. Woke up, and then talked to Bing for awhile! Yaaaaay. It's been so long since I've talked to him. :)

I spent the evening/night with San et al, and it was fantastic! I had so much fun. I haven't seen a lot of people in what feels like nearly forever. San, Kim, Christopher, etc. are just like family to me. :) So I don't think I could have spent my day better!

Plus, Mollie's back and it's been awhile since I've seen her. Now I have someone I can watch Thai/Thai-dubbed movies with! :)

Oh, it was such a great night! We all talked about whatnot, discussed musicians/bands for the upcoming festival, laughed a lot, caught up... etc etc.

And then there was a whole, entire hodge podge of musicians there! And they were all jamming out in the basement. From 12 yr-old to...ehm... not sure how much older (maybe middle-age?), they were singing and playing guitars and creating music... It's been so long since I've been able to just sit and listen to people strumming away. It was fantastic.

Oh, and I got three hugs last night. Good way to start the new year, right? :)

One other thing, someone asked if I wanted to sing with them sometime with their jazz band. Doesn't that sound like fun? I've never done jazz before, but I'm excited. Yaaay! :)

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