Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I really don't have any news to share. Work life has been hectic lately... my teammates are out, and since I'm the only one that's in the office this week, I have to train the newest team member on everything (keeping in mind that I'm relatively new to the team myself).

Anyway, aside from training, I've got new reports to run for teammates who are currently MIA, agents to take care of, not to mention, I'm on a corporate United Way committee at my company as well as the regional United Way committee... both of which I'm a lead in.

That being said, I've got meetings all over the place and a person to train, plus I have to leave work early tomorrow to inspect the townhouse with the inspector... and I'm leaving work early on Friday for the weekend...

To be honest, it's actually kind of fun. It reminds me of what my schedule used to be like... all over the place with lots of random projects/people to manage. It makes me miss my last job. But I do like my new job too.. and I like all the things that are going on right now. :)

The only thing that I'm thinking, though, is that maybe I need to cut back on extracurriculars for now... since I've not been feeling particularly well for the past few weeks especially... I don't have the energy to do much after work... and now that there's big potential that I'll be moving into my new place pretty soon, I feel like I need to put my energy into packing and cleaning up my current home.

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