Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Home inspection went well for the most part. Although we couldn't get the light fixture in the living room to work, so there might be some wiring issues to address. Also, while we were there, we couldn't get any hot water, so tomorrow I'll find out if the water heater is in working order or not.

Anyway, super tired. Time for bed.

(Just thinking... I might really have my own place soon.... and I can do it all how I want to do it... schematically, warm and cool colors, pictures, plants... excited... :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I really don't have any news to share. Work life has been hectic lately... my teammates are out, and since I'm the only one that's in the office this week, I have to train the newest team member on everything (keeping in mind that I'm relatively new to the team myself).

Anyway, aside from training, I've got new reports to run for teammates who are currently MIA, agents to take care of, not to mention, I'm on a corporate United Way committee at my company as well as the regional United Way committee... both of which I'm a lead in.

That being said, I've got meetings all over the place and a person to train, plus I have to leave work early tomorrow to inspect the townhouse with the inspector... and I'm leaving work early on Friday for the weekend...

To be honest, it's actually kind of fun. It reminds me of what my schedule used to be like... all over the place with lots of random projects/people to manage. It makes me miss my last job. But I do like my new job too.. and I like all the things that are going on right now. :)

The only thing that I'm thinking, though, is that maybe I need to cut back on extracurriculars for now... since I've not been feeling particularly well for the past few weeks especially... I don't have the energy to do much after work... and now that there's big potential that I'll be moving into my new place pretty soon, I feel like I need to put my energy into packing and cleaning up my current home.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Good friends are the greatest thing to have

Sometimes they hold the flashlight for you when you're lost in a dark cave

Thank you, Des. Thank you, Ree. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

happy :)

Things are going well lately.

Found a townhome that I like.

Found a guy that I like.

Was asked to be a cultural ambassador for my company as a representative for my company as well as the city.

So happy.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

my thursday person...

I'm kinda sad... tomorrow's Thursday....
and my Thursday person moved away.. all the way to Oregon....

I wonder what tomorrow's going to be like now.... pish posh...

Monday, August 13, 2007

while i was M-I-A...

I was actually in Omaha with one of my friends... we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo, movies, shopped, Qwest center, couple restaurants... great fun!

When I got back home, I took about an hour nap, and then headed up to Ames to hang out with some of my friends... until 2 a.m.! Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time I got home... bc I'd been on the go for about three days..

Woke up Sunday morning... did some research and relaxed for a couple hrs... and then went out to have Dim Sum with a friend and her family... then we went to Wal-Mart.... the mall... and caught the Simpson's Movie... and then over to Ringga's to see her and little Alexander... adoooorable... :) got home around 8/8:30 p.m.... and called my parents... and then it was time to relax for about an hour and head to bed... that's it...

To some, I might have been M-I-A... to me, I was just busy.... relaxing.... on vacation.... greaaaat times. :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I wonder...

...why does food taste better when you have someone to share it with?

...why is "13" considered a bad number?

...and why oh why do some people never learn?

Monday, August 06, 2007

Because I promised...

It's been awhile since I've last blogged about even the remotest happenings in my life... until now that is. I told my good buddy that I'd start back up with blogging so she'll have something to do during her days now. (Who ever would have thought that my life would be that interesting? haha)
Anyway, it was at work today that I decided my next personal project would be to figure out a good fish dish to make for Des that doesn't include any onions or garlic... oh man... so I'm thinking.... some ginger, tomatoes... and not sure what else yet! I wonder if spicy food is off limits too....

On another note, I've been having a few completely clumsy days. This past weekend, I went to my dear friend's wedding and met a bunch of great people. On my trip back home, I went up to Ames for a friend's graduation luncheon...

...where I proceeded to tip over a huge glass of water (thank goodness no one was sitting across the table from me). When the waiter came back with our meals, I managed to flick some water (who knew that there was water on my hand???) as I was raising my hand. THEN, yesterday (Sunday) I managed to knock my elbow into my just-poured glass of water.... elbow hurt, water alllllllllll over the kitchen flour.... I swear.... if anyone ever thought I was graceful in any way, I think this weekend proves exactly how NOT graceful I am.....

What else is going on... stupid weather's making my shoulder act up a lot... so not sleeping too fantastically well.....

I went and saw Destri and Carissa this weekend, for the first time ever. You know how they say like mother, like daughter? Carissa is a DOLL. I wanted to hold her, but she's so tiny.... so I just watched Des hold her and rock her to sleep.

Got an email from Reena too.... I've missed her!

Meeting new people, making friends....

I'm in a happy place right now. :) I've got some fantastic people in my life. :)