Monday, April 03, 2006

a destructive weekend

So, my weekend was great. We decided to go crazy and take apart the kitchen! Just kidding. We're redoing part of our kitchen, which means we had to tear a lot of things apart! Actually, my dad did most of the tearing, and I did most of the watching, assisting, and errand-running. Good times!!

Oh, and if anyone's interested in buying a car, my parents are selling one of theirs. Let me know if you're interested! I think it's going for 6K. Great condition, automatic everything, includes CD player, tape deck, A/C, and.. I'm not sure what other details most people are interested in, but let me know if you have questions!

Hmmm... as for today, I went for a long-needed jog, and just submitted an application to volunteer at the local hospital! Life is good. :)

1 comment:

Destri Andorf said...

wow.... seems like you had a great time back home.. good for u !! :) I'm sleepy and hungry.. need to get something to eat... :P