Thursday, December 28, 2006


is there such a thing as an altruistic act?

i wonder...

any opinions or food for thought?

Monday, November 20, 2006

just a thought...

I was looking at one of my pictures today... of some my friends and myself seven years ago, laughing. It was right after one of the most difficult trials in my life, and I don't know where I'd be today if it wasn't for that moment.

Always remember the people who stand behind you during the thickets of hardship and share the joy of laughter with you.

Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

one phizat weekend :)

So... Destri came to visit me yesterday. We went to Pho 777 and ate a delicious lunch, and then proceeded to shop, shop, shop and tried on dresses and hats for fun...

So after that, we went to a party for one of my friends, and met some cool, new people.

After the party, I went to see one of my friends who I haven't seen in nearly 2.5 years! It was great to see her again... as drunky-drunk as she was, it brought back the good old days in Spain. :) She's such a great friend. :)

Got home pretty late, went to bed, woke up around 8... and have been happy since. :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I've had an extreme craving for Olive Garden lately. However, I'm not the type of person who'll just go by myself because food just doesn't taste as good when you eat by yourself...

So yesterday, after I decided that I might as well eat something because it was 8 and I hadn't had dinner, I went to HyVee... that Olive Garden salad craving? Taken care of by purchasing some good Ceaser salad dressing. The pasta craving? Still working on that one... the good all-around Olive Garden experience? Still waiting... :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I swear... it's as if I've been wearing a black cat around my shoulders for the past week...

They say... when it rains, it pours....

But shoot, it's like I'm a walking bad streak of of whatever it is that attracts bad luck...

I don't think I should hang out with anyone for awhile.... otherwise it'll spread....

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

life is good on my end... :)

i don't know where to start or where to end because it's been so long since i've had anything to share with the world!

anyway.... i'm off to a wedding this weekend for a classmate of mine.

she's only 23... my age...

it's kind of strange to think about...

she's my age and ready to get married...
i'm my age... and not even ready for tomorrow...


i'm getting my pens, i'm getting my pens pretty soon. wooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming!!!!

Actually... it's just Bing! :) :) :)


Thursday, June 01, 2006

vone slogans...

So I went to this website, and look at all the slogans it created with my name!
  1. For the Vone you don't yet know.
  2. Splash Vone all over.
  3. The World's Favourite Vone.
  4. The Vone of Paradise.
  5. Make it a Vone night.
  6. Every kiss begins with Vone.
  7. Nothing works better than a Vone.
  8. If only everything in life was as reliable as a Vone.
  9. Sharing the Vone of your life.
  10. Is it Live, or is it Vone?

It was so much fun, that I just had to throw in one of my nicknames too! hehehe

  1. Tell them about the Vonbon, Mummy.
  2. I feel like Vonbon tonight.
  3. Simple impartial Vonbon.
  4. The Vonbon for All Ages.
  5. A Taste for Vonbon.

Hehehe.. okay, I'm sure you've all had more than enough! Ciao :0)


Today my intern told me that I look older than my age... (gasp) The collagen in my skin must be collapsing... I'm too young for this!

Maybe all those bar folk will quit asking for my ID now... hmmmmmmmmm.....

Thursday, May 11, 2006

oh pity....what a pittay...

i feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have a destri for a friend...

she's the coolest! she's a tier 5 kind of friend

:0) terima kasi!!!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006


They say the mumps are going around Iowa in a BIG way. I've already had my MMR though, so I can't possibly get the mumps, right? (just nod or at least agree with me)

Any which way, it's time for me to take me and my puffy eyes to sleep. Good night and hopefully good riddance!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

nursery rhyme for Desirella :)

Here you go, gyrlfriend!!! :)

It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He bumped his head and went to bed
And he couldn't get up in the morning.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

last night...

went to Waterfront for sushi with Des

went salsa dancing with Des, Anshu & Ave
taught Anshu some basic steps
danced danced danced
was tons of fun!!

Thank you, All!!! You guys so rock. :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

want to win some money?

If you're an artist or have a group of friends who like to get together and play volleyball, you should enter the Asian Heritage Festival's:
  1. Juried Art Competition
  2. Volleyball Tournament

(Scroll to the bottom of the page for more info)

Cash prizes will be awarded. Enter today. Let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nepali night

I learned how to Nepali food today! Anshu taught me how to make momo, otherwise known as dumplings. Yummmm...

It cost me $35 to fill up my tank of gas today.... a bit depressing... I guess I won't be going home again until my next paycheck.... and until the festival is over... how depressing....

Anyway, back to my Nepali night... I watched Anshu's wedding video, and we (her, her hubby, and I) sang karaoke for a bit, and we looked through her photo albums. It was so much fun! :) It was a good way to cool down after the day I had at work. :)

Oh... and she has the most beautiful artwork adorning her walls... she says she got them in Nepal. So.... one day, I'm going to go to Nepal... and I'm going to buy beautiful artwork for my walls too.

The best part about the night was that I can't remember the last time that I laughed that much in one night... good times :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

magazine photoshoot

Tomorrow's our photoshoot! It has been long anticipated! I'm so excited.... the day has finally come.

I went shopping for their gift bags for most of the day (snuck in some Lunch with Destri! wohoooo!), and then had a festival meeting and then we held a reception for Jimmy Lee (Executive Director for the White House Initiative for Asian & Pacific Islanders... something like that). Got home at 9:30 p.m.

Since I forgot my dinner at work (due to the excitement of a thunderstorm brewing overhead)... so now I've got a bad case of the munchies!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

a weekend of fun :)

Yesterday Destri, Ringga, and I had sushi at Waterfront, and it was delicious! We chatted for a BIT, and once our bellies were humming with satisfaction, it was off to the shopping centers! hehehe... and boy did we shop! I spent a significant amount of dinero... that is, I spent more than I normally do! (For all of you who know me too well, I don't typically spend any money!) Once our pocketbooks were considerably emptier, it was off to Jordan Creek for our afternoon snack of ice cream. Good stuff! Anyway, it's been such a long time since I've had a girls' day out; thank you, ladies!!! :)

Today, I woke up, cleaaaaaned, went to a birthday party, ate tons of good food, played with the baby, and then came back to fight for a washer... needless to say, I won. My laundry is now done for the week. Woohooo!

That about sums it all up! Monday is fast approaching.... let the games begin!
(goodnight, folks!)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

breaking my own rules

I went out last night... on a weeknight... on a worknight... for shame....shame on me..

But it was oh-so-fun! Since I've moved here, I haven't gone out much, and last night, I was out for a night of salsa! In fact, I even ran into an old friend, Anthony.

I danced the night away... as out of shape as I'm in, people still asked me to dance..

crazaaaay how things work out huh!

Monday, April 03, 2006

a destructive weekend

So, my weekend was great. We decided to go crazy and take apart the kitchen! Just kidding. We're redoing part of our kitchen, which means we had to tear a lot of things apart! Actually, my dad did most of the tearing, and I did most of the watching, assisting, and errand-running. Good times!!

Oh, and if anyone's interested in buying a car, my parents are selling one of theirs. Let me know if you're interested! I think it's going for 6K. Great condition, automatic everything, includes CD player, tape deck, A/C, and.. I'm not sure what other details most people are interested in, but let me know if you have questions!

Hmmm... as for today, I went for a long-needed jog, and just submitted an application to volunteer at the local hospital! Life is good. :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

it's only hump day??

I swear... it feels like a Thursday.

I've been so off-kilter all week... and extremely tired.

I think my rehab days are VERY near...

mm... home sweet home... only two days from now.... there's nothing like rehab! hehehe

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Can someone explain to me what the big deal is with I keep hearing people refer to it, but I don't get it... what's so great about it?

I've seen other people's myspaces, but it looks like any other blog.... and not as pretty... not that I can tell anyway...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

goals for the week

My goals for this week are:

  1. Schedule a time with the owner of the recording studio that I've been in touch with.
  2. Clean, clean, clean!
  3. Find a jogging trail relatively close to my place... and jog the crap out of it!
  4. Be a good friend.

    and last, but never least...

  5. Have fun each day! Heck yeah!!!