Thursday, November 29, 2007

endoscopy and colonoscopy today - no idea what to expect. going to wear my pj's to the procedures though.

the flushing part was last night - didn't/couldn't drink all the liquid stuff they gave me. think i was in the bathroom most of the night. haven't eaten since noon yesterday - not allowed to until after 4:30ish tonight. tired... hungry... gonna try to get some more sleep before my ride gets here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

something funny

Before I recount the incident that happened today, I have to backflash so you can appreciate the humor in this.

My big brother's best friend's last name is Youngers. For the sake of his privacy, I'm just going to call him "John" Youngers. Anyway, growing up, my brother would always refer to him as Youngers when he spoke about his best friend. One day, my dad said, "Why is his last name Youngers? He's only going to get older. His name should technically be John Older." So for many years now, my dad and I have referred to my brother's best friend as Older.

Anyway, on my way out from work tonight, I was saying goodnight to some co-workers in passing...

"G'night, Seifert."
"G'night, Vone."

"G,night, Z."
"G.night, Young Lady."
And then without a second thought, in popped to my head - "goodnight, Old Man."

Thank goodness I didn't say it out loud! The guy isn't old at all!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

nervous.... dr's appt tomorrow...

Monday, November 05, 2007

today's dr appt

Went back in to see my doctor today - following up from my last appt.

Apparently, acid isn't necessarily the cause of whatever's going on inside me because the meds didn't help me like they were supposed to. He also told me that the results from the tests I took a month ago show that my liver functions are slightly elevated, whatever that means. I have to go in tomorrow for an ultrasound on that part of my body. And I guess I have to go in for a GI consult sometime later- no clue what that means either.

I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything from the time I wake up until the time I have my test done tomorrow... I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

At least it isn't invasive... yet.