Sunday, October 07, 2007


Naomi came to visit me this weekend – the first time she’s been on “my turf”. We had a fantastic time this weekend. I got her a couple presents – an orchid and some nice sunglasses, and boy was I squirming with excitement to give them to her. It took all I had to not tell her, so I avoided calling her all week until the night before she came to town and am proud to say that I didn’t mention the gifts at all. When she got here, I gave her a grandiose tour of my place, and then of course, I broke out the presents. I was delighted that she loved them all. :)

We hopped on over to the World Food Festival (had to go for a work thing.), tried different foods, people watched (oh the things we saw and the comments we made… hehehe), shopped for the perfect orchid pot and a dress for my upcoming gala, painted like crazy, and talked about all kinds of things until the wee hours of dawn.

Woke up, made great breakfast, broke out my new tea set, went to church, came home and showed her a bunch of pictures...

Played piano (she played the song I wrote that I taught her… so proud of her).

Then it was time for her to go home. She promised that she’d come back and visit again.

I’ve known her since third grade, and needless to say, she’s stuck around ever since then – my best friend.

Knowing how life takes its course and how people come and go, I’m amazed at the number of people I’ve met, the friends I’ve made, and how much they care. Despite the things I’ve been going through lately and the things I’ve been through in the past, I think I’m quite possibly the luckiest girl ever. I’ve got the greatest family and friends in my life – I’m truly blessed and for that I am truly grateful.

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