Tuesday, February 10, 2009

People think when you don't complain, everything is fine and dandy.

Sometimes it just means that you don't want to complain.

My body hurts today. I fell asleep at work for maybe a couple hours.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have a Twin!?

After not too much thought nor deliberation, Destri and I have come to the conclusion that we're either psychological twins or twins separated at birth...maybe from a past life.

Sometimes we say the same thing at the same time. Sometimes she's in the midst of asking me a question while, at the very exact same time, I'm in the midst of answering the question that she's about to ask.

Maybe we don't need to talk when we hang out anymore.
Maybe when we need to reaffirm a thought, we can go to each other to get the support we need.

Or maybe.. MAYBE... Just MAYBE..... Destri is a psychic and she's not telling me!?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Radio show

While I was on my way to work this morning, I was listening to my usual station when this story caught my attention:

Apparently, a 107 year-old woman in China decided to finally get married. The lucky beau? A 100 year-old man.

Kudos to them!

But seriously, if you're any kind of friend at all, please make me get married before I turn 50. Drag me kicking and screaming if you have to. Just remind me that it's for my own good.

2008 in Reflection

Most years I find myself reflecting on the previous year, often keeping those thoughts to myself. However, when I think about all the happenings of 2008, I don't think I can keep this thought to myself because it pertains to so much more than what happened during '08 - it pertains to the people nearest and dearest to my heart i.e. my friends and family.

My family and close friends know that it's been a rough year for me. Some of them have probably figured out that it's been probably one of THE toughest years I've ever had in my life. I've been scared, angry, sad, weary and leary. But I've been so happy too.

Happy because I have an amazing family, because my friends are incredible, and more importantly, because they choose to be in my life. They've pulled me out of the muck and washed it off. Brightened the darker days. Cared when I didn't want to. Laughed when I needed a smile. Listened when I babbled for awhile (about nothing). Poked fun when I was dorky. Cheered when I was happy.

So thank you from the very depths of my heart. You keep me going. You make the good things better. You are my heroes and angels.

Looking forward to another memorable year. Much luv always and yours ever so truly,


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

On Being Cool

One of my best friends, Destri, has an online recipe book.

You know you're cool when YOUR NAME is in the title of the recipe. :D

How lucky am I? I'm surrounded by angels. :) That's not just any luck, folks, it's incredible luck. :)


I went to the doctor's last week. It seems that I always leave the office in a bad mood.

My best friend called me that same night. I told him all about it, and then he started asking me some other questions.

I cried after I hung up the phone. He didn't say anything wrong. Not a single thing. Something he said made things finally register, and I realized that sometimes even I don't believe in the optimism that I try to bring forth. Not for myself anyway.

Cold, hard facts are sometimes hard to face, aren't they? Like you wish you can ignore them, and when you finally realize that you can't ignore them, it kind of sucks the air out of your lungs.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I've found six more bruises on my legs again. I know where two came from. Not sure about the other four.

I've been extremely tired again lately.

I have a doctor's appointment later this month.

If anyone's out there listening, will you please pray for a miracle with me?

I believe in miracles. I do.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And She's BACK!

Since it HAS been such a long time, I'll just provide a quick update on the ongoings of my life for the past year....and then we'll get down to business and onto the juicier topics from here on out.

So here's what's happened over the past year:
- Found out why I've been feeling so sick for the past year and a half
- The big brother finally graduated
- Decided to quit laying low and live a little
- Allowed my great friend to talk me into the world of online dating

Stay tuned for more details! :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

it's been a rough week - lots of shoulder pain.. lots of ice packs... and too much fear to even dabble in taking a couple painkillers

i think it's because the weather's changing... i hope it goes back to normal soon... i can't take this being cold crap.. i can't wear too many layers because then my shoulder can't deal with being too warm, and then if i don't wear enough layers, i get too cold...

i saw a shooting star the other night. it was beautiful. i should have wished for better weather instead of what i wished for... but if i wished for comes true, i wouldn't take it back for the world either...

one can only hope that some superstitions play out...